Organic Coconut vinegar 250ml


250ml glass bottle

Brand – Mal Organic

6 in stock


This amazing vinegar goes well with all different styles of cuisine whether it is Italian, Mexican, Asian and else. Organic Coconut vinegar is much better than any other alternative found in the market.

The extracted coconut sap is allowed to ferment for 45-60 days. After that it is bottled unfiltered and unheated to protect its natural goodness.


Coconut vinegar is a staple in Southeast Asian and Indian cuisine that is rapidly gaining popularity in the West. Coconut vinegar has a cloudy, white appearance and a slightly milder taste than apple cider vinegar. It can add a touch of sweetness to salad dressings, marinades, soups and warm dishes.


Researches shows that coconut vinegar provides a range of polyphenols, a beneficial plant compounds that may protect against conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Coconut vinegar may help lower blood sugar levels and offer some protection against type 2 diabetes.


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